2001: A Space Odyssey

A film directed by THE Stanley Kubrick in 1968. The film is based of a book of the same name penned by none other than the author Arthur C. Clarke. both the director and author worked togethor to create the main story, as it was a collaborative effort by Kubrick and Clarke. When first released in theatres, it was a film that you either loved or hated. Today 2001 is considered to be a masterpiece in the art of film. main criticizms are based on the fact that the film is too abstract, not enough dialogue, too much classical music, and boring for the average-joe-blow. The only part that may hold any truth is how abstract the film is. If you want to know what the fuck is going on in most of the film, i highly recommend you read the book first. Once you read the book, and then watch the film, you would have to be one of those people who thought Transformers 2 was the best film of all time in order to think 2001 A Space Odyssey is a bad film. The Basic Premise of the film revolves around a discovery of a monolith on the moon, and the adventures of Captain David Bowman and the HAL 9000 of the Discovery I who travel to jupiter under orders from Earth Space Command. If you love Science-Fiction, any of Stanley KUbrick's films, or if you just like to see good films, then i would highly recommend you see this.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to 2001: A Space Odyssey. Some of the top words include: ghost in the shell, Dune, Taxi Driver, a flick, movizzle, and 25 more.